

Biden Blocked Solar Panel Tariffs To ‘Accelerate Domestic Production.’ Two Years Later, China Is Even More Dominant.

作者: Thomas Catenacci

In June 2022, President Joe Biden implemented an unprecedented 24-month moratorium on tariffs targeting Chinese solar panels and invoked a Cold War-era law in an effort to spur domestic clean energy manufacturing. The president characterized the action as a t…

2022年6月,乔·拜登总统实施了一项前所未有的为期24个月的暂停对中国太阳能板的关税,并援引冷战时期的法律以刺激国内清洁能源制造业。总统将此举描述为一场… (注:原文最后的部分被截断,无法提供完整翻译。)

In June 2022, President Joe Biden implemented an unprecedented 24-month moratorium on tariffs targeting Chinese solar panels and invoked a Cold War-era law in an effort to spur domestic clean energy … [+7552 chars]


原文链接:Washington Free Beacon