

LVMH Is Investing in Orient Express Trains, Ships and Hotels

作者: Msocha1

LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton is investing in the Orient Express brand, with ambitious plans to add more trains, sailing ships and hotels.

LVMH 茅台轩尼诗路易威登正在投资东方快车品牌,计划雄心勃勃地增加更多列车、帆船和酒店。

Pushing deeper into luxury hospitality and experiences, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton is investing in the Orient Express brand, with ambitious plans to add more trains, sailing ships and hotels.
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深入奢华款待和体验领域,LVMH 茅台轩尼诗路易威登正在投资东方快车品牌,计划雄心勃勃地增加更多火车、帆船和酒店。
